Submitted papers
- Backward importance sampling for online estimation of state space models
- Submitted in the Journal of Computational and Graphical statistics
- Joint work with A. Martin, M.P. Etienne, S. Le Corff and J. Olsson
- Numerical illustrations of the performances of a new online sequential Monte Carlo smoother on complex models, namely multivariate stochastic differential equations and recurrent neural networks.
- Link to the paper
- Macrolitter video counting on river banks with state space models for moving cameras
- Submitted in Computo (the journal of French Statistical Society)
- Joint work with M.Chagneux, S. Le Corff and C. Ollion
- Coupling deep learning image segmentation methods with state space models to count plastic debris on river banks.
Book chapters
- Reconstruction de trajectoires et identifications de comportements à partir de données de géolocalisation/Trajectory reconstruction and behavior identification using geolocation data
- To appear in the book Statistical Approaches for Hidden Variables in Ecology
- Joint work with M.P. Etienne
- Link to the book website.
Accepted or published papers
- A pseudo-marginal sequential Monte Carlo online smoothing algorithm
- To appear in Bernoulli
- Joint work with S. Le Corff and J. Olsson.
- Theoretical guarantees for an online estimator for smoothing expectations in general state space models.
- Link to the paper
- Scalable clustering of segmented trajectories within a continuous time framework. Application to maritime traffic data
- Machine Learning, 2021
- Joint work with L. Chapel, C. Friguet and R. Tavenard.
- A unified framework for segmentation and clustering of bivariate time-series using non parametric Bayesian methods (Hierarchical Dirichlet process) and Bayesian variational inference.
- Link to the review
- The Langevin diffusion as a continuous-time model of animal movement and habitat selection
- Methods in ecology and evolution, 2019
- Joint work with T.Michelot, P. Blackwell and M.P. Etienne
- A new continuous time model to link animal movement with resource selection functions.
- Link to the paper
- Stochastic differential equation based on a multimodal potential to model movement data in ecology
- Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series:C (Applied Statistics), 2018
- Joint work with M.P. Etienne and S. Le Corff
- A new movement model for animal movement and a benchmark for different inference methods for these methods in ecology.
- Link to the journal
- Trypanosomiasis challenge estimation using the diminazene aceturate (Berenil) index in Zebu in Gabon
- Tropical Animal Health and Production, 2017
- Joint work with B. Cossic, B. Adjahoutonon, G.L. Dibanganga, G. Maganga, P. Leroy, E.T. MacLeod and K.Picozzi
- Longitudinal study to characterize sleeping sickness of livestock in Gabon
- Link to the journal
- Is speed through water a better proxy for fishing activities than speed over ground ?
- Aquatic Living Resources, 2016
- Joint work with M. Woillez, S. Mahévas, Y. Vermard and E. Rivot
- Coupling of a hidden Markov model to a numerical model of surface currents to improve estimation of fishing efforts.
- Link to the journal
- An autoregressive model to describe fishing vessel movement and activity
- Environmetrics, 2015
- Joint work with S. Mahévas, E. Rivot, M. Woillez Y. Vermard and M.P. Etienne
- A new hidden Markov model with dependant observations to infer activities of fishing vessels.
- Link to the journal